星期三, 11月 21, 2007

Code Generation, Software Factories and Visual Studio Extensibility

我對automatically的Code Generation一直都很有興趣.....

在C# with Visual Studio .net 其實應該有能力可以做到了....

好像是叫CodeDom的東西吧..... 之前組讀書會的時候 也有同事報過一樣的主題

雖然我還沒有時間好好去試..... 不過先記錄下來 發現這一篇blog也有蠻有詳盡的references


Last night I presented Code Generation, Software Factories and Visual Studio Extensibility at Direct Supply. Below is the project download with all of the source followed by many useful links related to the various topics.

[ Download the sample project: SmallSharpTools.VisualStudioPlugins.zip ]


Templated Code Generation

Software Factories

Visual Studio Extensibility


If you have any other links that you feel are useful, please add them below in the comments.

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