星期三, 5月 02, 2007

Video Lectures related to CS Courses

topcode forum上有一篇文章列出一些有趣的video lecture about CS course
Copy & Paste如下 :-) (http://forums.topcoder.com/?module=Thread&threadID=507267&start=0)

TopCoder Forums
I am curious what online resources people have found to be excellent. The ones I frequent are listed below and contain video lectures: 1. Stanford collection of Knuth videos 2. University of Texas collection of Dijkstra videos 3. Vega Video Collection of Feynman Lectures 4. MIT's Open CourseWare - Numerous video lectures are featured here, including full courses in Linear Algebra, Mathematics for Engineering, Differential Equations, and Physics 1, 2, and 3. The Physics lectures are by Walter Lewin who is amazing. 5. Webcast Archive of Berkeley Courses 6. SICP Video Lectures by Abelson and Sussman 7. QMUL Mirror of the ArsDigita courses 8. Clay Math Video Collection - Numerous videos including Timothy Gowers speaking on the importance of mathematics, and Wiles and Witten talking to the 2001 IMO competitors. 9. Archive.org Collection of ArsDigita Colloquia - Includes terrific lectures by Sipser on the history of NP vs P, and Sussman on the legacy of Computer Science. Also includes videos by Richard Stallman.
